Zebra 2 mac mod#
Mod Mappers - Unique and highly flexible processors containing up to 128 discrete values each.Envelope 4 or LFO 3) anywhere, and its panel will instantly appear in this rack. Modulators Rack - Control panels for all modulators you use - envelopes, LFOs, mod mappers and modulation mixers.Unused generators will not appear in the rack - What you use is what you see!

Zebra 2 mac Patch#
Show individual patch information, load alternative skins, select GUI size from miniscule to cinematic!

The signal flows automatically from top to bottom but sidechains can also be defined (via right-click)
Zebra 2 mac generator#
No cables or pins, but an ingenious 2D grid in which you place and reposition generator modules.
Zebra 2 mac registration#
Show parameter values, unlock the demo (using your registration code) or switch between compatibility modes. Data Display - Quickly step through patches or instantly load a patch from the current directory.Hide/unhide or mark/unmark patches as personal favourites Patches Window - Load factory presets or select from literally thousands of free patches as well as several commercial sound sets available online.Because they effectively bundle parameters together, XY positions are the perfect targets for automation within your DAW! Performance Pads - Four XY pads give you instant control of up to 64 parameters, each with a user-definable range.Comes with Zebrify effects version and little sister plugin Zebralette! The clever design and adaptive UI keep everything you need on a single page.It has an independent charm, with a vibrant community of helpful users in the KVR forum.The editor window is resizable, and there are some nice alternative skins available.Heavily featured in blockbusters The Dark Knight, Inception, Transformers, Tron:Legacy.No static samples here – pure synthesis delivers more expressive & natural sounds.It is renowned for crystal-clear quality.The unique patching system is a bliss to work with, complexity never gets in your way.That's why thousands of free presets are available online. It's a fascinating playground for sound designers! That's what Zebra is all about, that's why it has become so popular. All generator modules, all signal paths, all effects are stereo.Īlthough the possibilities are practically infinite, you will never be overwhelmed by needless complexity - Zebra's adaptive interface only shows the modules you are actually using. Perhaps use that entire sound as modulator for an FM oscillator, or route it through a comb filter - the building block of physical modeling synthesis. Imagine -with Zebra you can create any additive, freehand or spline-based waveform you like, apply a vast selection of spectral effects, morph between those waves and send them through Zebra's classic synth filters. It combines many different types of synthesis with a powerful modulation engine. Zebra is u-He's wireless modular synthesizer.